Scientific background
Plant Physiology |
Statistics |
Design of experiments, Analysis of variance, correlation, regression, cluster, discrimination and time series
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Masters Thesis
"Untersuchungen zur Trennung membranöser Zellbestandteile von Chlorella sorokinia unter Berücksichtigung der Anzucht im Stickstoffmangel und anschließender Erholung"
Investigations on the separation of membranous compounds of Chlorella sorokiniana under conditions of nitrogen starvation and recovery
PhD. Thesis
"Der Effekt von Schwefeldioxid-, Ozon- und Stickstoffdioxid-Begasung auf den Stickstoffmetabolismus steril kultivierter Fichtenkeimlinge (Picea abies (L.) Karst.)"
The effect of sulfur dioxide, ozone and nitrogen dioxide fumigation on the nitrogen metabolism in sterile cultivated spruce seedlings (Picea abies (L.) KARST.)
Spruce seedlings in a hydroponic cultivation pot. The rhizosphere of the seedlings was separated gastight from the shoot. |
NO2 fumigation system at the University of Groningen / NL |
Forschungsverbund "Nachwachsende Rohstoffe / Erzeugung und Konversion von Lignocellulose"
renewable resources / prodcution and conversion of lignocellulose
Balsam poplar (Populus trichocarpa) cuttings grown with nitrate, a mixture of both or ammonium as N-source
SFB 251 "Ökologie, Physiologie und Biochemie pflanzlicher und tierischer Leistung unter Streß"
Modelling of element and ion flows in Ricinus
quantified parameters in flow models |
Ricinus communis L. in quartz sand culture in pots of 4L volume |
general N-flow model |
xylem sap collection by applying pneumatic pressure to the rhizosphere |
Nitrate uptake in barley
Nitrate uptake was measured with a computer-controlled HPLC-system including a valve/pump arrangement |
seven or fifteen hydroponic plastic pots (0.5 or 1.0 dm 3) were placed in a plexi-glass cuvette which was used as a growth chamber during the uptake experiments |
„Streßsensivität von Ökotypen der Buche“ (PEF)
Drought stress tolerance of beech ecotypes
testing the drought tolerance of different German beech ecotypes in the greenhouse |
Forschungsverbund „ Spezifische Umweltwirkungen transgener Gehölze“ (BMBF)
„Phytosanierung von Schwermetallen in Böden mit Hilfe gentechnisch veränderter Pappeln: Stabilität des Transgens und Einfluss auf die Rhizoflora“
"Phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals by transgenic poplars"
„Sicherheitsforschung und Monitoring“ im Programm der Bundesregierung “Biotechnologie 2000”
poplar plantations for the purpose of heavy metal phytoremediation in industrial areas in Germany (left) and Russia (right) |
Mid-rotation diagnosis and management options for correction of water and nutrient deficiencies in plantation-grown eucalypts
plantations of euclaypts in Western Australia |
phloem bleeding after cutting in plantation trees |
potted eucalypts in the greenhouse |
collecting phloem sap from young eucalypts |
In vivo NMRimaging on intact plant and tree systems: water transport processes in phloem and xylem
CarboZALF - the carbon dynamics of arable landscapes in North-East Germany
Climate variability and landscape dynamics in Southeast-Tibet and the eastern Himalaya during the Late Holocene reconstructed from tree rings, soils and climate modelling (CLASH)
Tracing carbon and oxygen isotope signals from newly assimilated sugars in the leaves to the tree-ring archive - From a mechanistic understanding of isotope fractionation processes to climate reconstruction
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