until 1990 Peuke A.D., Tischner R., and Lorenzen H. (1986) Density-shifts of membranous organelles in synchronous Chlorella sorokiniana dependent on nitrogen starvation. Journal of Plant Physiology 123, 339-348. DOI:10.1016/S0176-1617(86)80094-3 [Abstract] Peuke A.D. (1987) Der Effekt von Schwefeldioxid-, Ozon- und Stickstoffdioxid-Begasung auf den Stickstoffmetabolismus steril kultivierter Fichtenkeimlinge (Picea abies (L.) Karst .). Dissertation Göttingen, p. 105. [Abstract] Tischner R., Peuke A.D., Godbold D.L., Feig R., Merg G., and Hüttermann A. (1988) The effect of NO2-fumigation on aseptically grown spruce seedlings. Journal of Plant Physiology 133, 243-246. DOI:10.1016/S0176-1617(88)80145-7 [Abstract] Peuke A.D., and Tischner R. (1990) Effects of variation in N-nutrition on growth of poplar (Populus trichocarpa) clones. In: "Plant nutrition - physiology and application", van Beusichem M.L. (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 53-59. [Abstract] 1991 - 1995 Peuke A.D., and Tischner R. (1991) Nitrate uptake and reduction of aseptically cultivated spruce seedlings, Picea abies (L.) Karst.. Journal of Experimental Botany 42, 723-728. DOI:10.1093/jxb/42.6.723 [Abstract] Peuke A.D., and Jeschke W.D. (1993) The uptake and flow of C, N and ions between roots and shoots in Ricinus communis L. I. Grown with ammonium or nitrate as nitrogen source. Journal of Experimental Botany 44, 1167-1176. DOI:10.1093/jxb/44.7.1167 [Abstract] Peuke A.D., and Tischner R. (1994) The effects of SO2-fumigation on the nitrogen metabolism of aseptically grown spruce seedlings. Environmental Pollution 83, 371-377. DOI:10.1016/0269-7491(94)90159-7 [Abstract] Peuke A.D., Hartung W., and Jeschke W.D. (1994) The uptake and flow of C, N and ions between roots and shoots in Ricinus communis L. II. Grown with low or high nitrate supply. Journal of Experimental Botany 45, 733-740. DOI:10.1093/jxb/45.6.733 [Abstract] Peuke A.D., Jeschke W.D., and Hartung W. (1994) The uptake and flow of C, N and ions between roots and shoots in Ricinus communis L. III. Long distance transport of abscisic acid depending on nitrogen nutrition and salt stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 45, 741-747. DOI:10.1093/jxb/45.6.741 [Abstract] Peuke A.D., and Jeschke W.D. (1995) Effects of nitrogen source, nitrate concentration and salt stress on element and ion concentrations in transport fluids and on C and N flows in Ricinus communis L.. In: "Structure and Function of Roots", Baluška F., Ciamporová M., Gašparíková, O., Barlow P.W., (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 229-236. [Abstract] 1996 - 2000 Peuke A.D., and Kaiser W.M. (1996) Nitrate or ammonium uptake and transport, and rapid regulation of nitrate reduction in higher plants. Progress in Botany 57, 93-113. [Abstract] Peuke A.D., Glaab J., Kaiser W.M., and Jeschke W.D. (1996) The uptake and flow of C, N and ions between roots and shoots in Ricinus communis L. IV. Flow and metabolism of inorganic nitrogen and malate depending on nitrogen nutrition and salt treatment. Journal of Experimental Botany 47, 377-385. DOI:10.1093/jxb/47.3.377 [Abstract] Jeschke W.D., Peuke A.D., Kirkby E.A., Pate J.S., and Hartung W. (1996) Effects of P deficiency on the uptake, flows and utilization of C, N and H2O within intact plants of Ricinus communis L.. Journal of Experimental Botany 47, 1737-1754. DOI:10.1093/jxb/47.11.1737 [Abstract] Jeschke W.D., Kirkby E.A., Peuke A.D., Pate J.S., and Hartung W. (1997) Effects of P deficiency on assimilation and transport of nitrate and phosphate in intact plants of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.). Journal of Experimental Botany 48, 75-91. DOI:10.1093/jxb/48.1.75 [Abstract] Jeschke W.D., Peuke A.D., Pate J.S., and Hartung W. (1997) Transport, synthesis and catabolism of abscisic acid (ABA) in intact plants of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) under phosphate deficiency and moderate salinity. Journal of Experimental Botany 48, 1737-1747. DOI:10.1093/jxb/48.9.1737 [Abstract] Peuke A.D., Jeschke W.D., Dietz K.-J., Schreiber L., and Hartung W. (1998) Foliar application of nitrate or ammonium as sole nitrogen supply in Ricinus communis. I. Carbon and nitrogen uptake and flows. New Phytologist 138, 675-687.
[Abstract] [ Peuke A.D., and Jeschke W.D. (1998) The effects of light on induction, time courses, and kinetic patterns of net nitrate uptake in barley. Plant, Cell and Environment 21, 765-774.
[Abstract] [ Peuke A.D., Jeschke W.D., and Hartung W. (1998) Foliar application of nitrate or ammonium as sole nitrogen supply in Ricinus communis. II. The flows of cations, chloride and abscisic acid. New Phytologist 140, 625-636.
[Abstract] [ Hartung W., Peuke A.D., and Davies W.J. (1999) Abscisic acid - a hormonal long distance stress signal in plants under drought and salt stress. In: ”Handbook of plant and crop stress”, 2nd edition, M. Pessarakli (ed), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, Basel, Hong Kong, 731-747. ISBN: 0-8247-1948-4 [Abstract] Peuke A.D., and Jeschke W.D. (1999) The characterization of inhibition of net nitrate uptake by salt in salt tolerant barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. California Mariout). Journal of Experimental Botany 50, 1365-1372.DOI:10.1093/jxb/50.337.1365 [Abstract] Rokitta M., Peuke A.D., Zimmermann U., and Haase A. (1999) Dynamic studies of phloem and xylem flow in fully differentiated plants by fast nuclear-magnetic-resonance microimaging. Protoplasma 209, 126-131. DOI:10.1007/BF01415708 [Abstract] Peuke A.D. (2000) Xylem and phloem transport, assimilation and partitioning of nitrogen in Ricinus communis under several nutritional conditions. In: ”Nitrogen in a sustainable ecosystem: from the cell to the plant” Martins-Loução M.A., and Lips S.H. (eds.). Backhys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, 211-225. [Abstract] Peuke A.D. (2000) The chemical composition of xylem sap in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Riesling during vegetative growth on three different frankonian vineyard soils and as influenced by nitrogen fertilizer. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 51, 329-339. [Abstract] 2001 - 2005 Peuke A.D., Rokitta M., Zimmermann U., Schreiber L., and Haase A. (2001) Simultaneous measurement of water flow velocity and solute transport in xylem and phloem of adult plants of Ricinus communis during day time course by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry. Plant, Cell and Environment 24 , 491-503.
[Abstract] [ Fotelli M.N., Geßler A., Peuke A.D., and Rennenberg H. (2001) Effects of drought on the competition between Fagus sylvatica L. seedlings and an early successional species (Rubus fruticosus): growth, water status and δ13C composition. New Phytologist 151, 427-435.
[Abstract] [ Peuke A.D., Jeschke W.D., and Hartung W (2002) Flows of elements, ions and abscisic acid in Ricinus communis and site of nitrate reduction under potassium limitation. Journal of Experimental Botany 53, 241-250. [Abstract] Peuke A.D., Hartung W., Schraml C., and Rennenberg H. (2002) Identification of drought sensitive beech ecotypes by physiological parameters. New Phytologist 154, 373-388.
[Abstract] [ Rokitta M., Peuke A.D., Zimmermann U., and Haase A. (2003) Spatially and temporally resolved measurement of xylem and phloem flow by NMR micro-imaging. In: „Plant water relations and sap flux measurements“ Tognetti R., and Raschi A. (eds.) Fondazione per la Meteorologia Applicata, Firenze, Italy, 195-201. [Abstract] Peuke A.D., and Rennenberg H. (2004) Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur concentration and partitioning in beech ecotypes (Fagus sylvatica L.): phosphorus most affected by drought. Trees 18, 639–648. DOI:10.1007/s00468-004-0335-x [Abstract] Peuke A.D., and Rennenberg H. (2005) Phytoremediation with transgenic trees. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 60c, 199-207. [Abstract] Peuke A.D., and Rennenberg H. (2005) Phytoremediation: molecular biology, requirements for application, environmental protection, public attention, and feasibility. EMBO Reports 6, 497-501.
[Abstract] [ Rennenberg H., and Peuke A.D. (2005) Improved phytoremediation of contaminated soils by changes in sulfur metabolism. In: “Sulfur Transport and Assimilation in Plants in the Postgenomic Era.” Saito K., De Kok L.J., Hawkesford M.J., Rennenberg H., Schnug E., Stulen I. (eds.) Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, 201-208. [Abstract] 2006 - 2010 Peuke A.D., Windt C., and van As H. (2006) Effects of cold-girdling on flows in the transport phloem in Ricinus communis: is mass flow inhibited? Plant, Cell and Environment 29, 15-25.
[Abstract] [ Peuke A.D., Gessler A., and Rennenberg H. (2006) The effect of drought on C and N stable isotopes in different chemical fractions of leaves, stems, and roots of sensitive and tolerant beech ecotypes. Plant, Cell and Environment 29, 823-835.
[Abstract] [ Peuke A.D., and Rennenberg H. (2006) Heavy metal resistance and phytoremediation with transgenic trees. In: "Tree transgenesis: Recent developments", Fladung M., and Ewald D. (eds.), Springer Publishers, Berlin - Heidelberg, Germany, 137-155. [Abstract] Gessler A., Peuke A.D., Keitel C., and Farquhar G.D. (2007) Oxygen isotope enrichment of organic matter in Ricinus communis during the diel course and as affected by assimilate transport. New Phytologist 174, 600-613.
[Abstract] [ Escher P., Peuke A.D., Bannister P., Fink S., Hartung W., Jiang F., and Rennenberg H. (2008) Transpiration, CO2 assimilation, WUE, and stomatal aperture in leaves of Viscum album (L.): effect of abscisic acid (ABA) in the xylem sap of its host (Populus x euamericana). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 46, 64-70.
[Abstract] [ Gessler A., Tcherkez G., Peuke A.D., Ghashghaie J., and Farquhar G.D. (2008) Experimental evidence for diel variations of the carbon isotope composition in leaf, stem and phloem sap organic matter in Ricinus communis. Plant, Cell and Environment 31, 941-953.
[Abstract] [ Ivanova L., Ronzhina D., Ivanov L., Strukova L., Peuke A.D., and Rennenberg H. (2009) Chloroplast parameters differ in wild type and transgenic poplars overexpressing gsh1 in the cytosol. Plant Biology 11,
[Abstract] [ Peuke A.D. (2009) Nutrient composition of leaves and fruit juice of grapevine as affected by soil and nitrogen fertilization. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 172, 557-564. DOI:10.1002/jpln.200625205 [Abstract] [pdf] Peuke A.D. (2010) Correlations in concentrations, xylem and phloem flows, and partitioning of elements and ions in intact plants. A summary and statistical re-evaluation of modelling experiments in Ricinus communis. Journal of Experimental Botany Journal of Experimental Botany 61, 635-655. DOI:10.1093/jxb/erp352 [Abstract] [pdf] Merchant A., Peuke A.D., Keitel C., McFarlane C., Warren C.R., and Adams M.A. (2010) Phloem sap and leaf δ13C, carbohydrates, and amino acid concentrations in Eucalyptus globulus change systematically according to flooding and water deficit treatment. Journal of Experimental Botany
61, 1785-1793.
[Abstract] [ Herschbach C., Rizzini L., Mult S., Hartmann T., Busch F., Peuke A.D., Kopriva S., and Ensminger I. (2010) Overexpression of bacterial γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase 1 (GSH1) in plastids affects photosynthesis, growth and sulphur metabolism in poplar (Populus tremula x Populus alba) dependent on the resulting γ-glutamylcysteine and
levels. Plant, Cell and Environment
33, 1138-1151.
[Abstract] [ 2011 - today Peuke A.D., and Rennenberg H. (2011) Impacts of drought on mineral macro- and microelements in provenances of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings. Tree Physiology 31, 196–207. DOI:10.1093/treephys/tpr007 [Abstract] [pdf] Ivanova L., Ronzhina D., Ivanov L., Strukova L., Peuke A.D., and Rennenberg H. (2011) Over-expression gsh1 in the cytosol affects the photosynthetic apparatus and improves the performance of transgenic poplars on heavy metal contaminated soil.
Plant Biology 13, 649-659.
[Abstract] [ Alexou M., and Peuke A.D. (2013) Methods for xylem sap collection. In: Maathuis F.J. (ed.) Methods in Molecular Biology 953, Plant Mineral Nutrients, Methods and Protocols, Humana Press, Springer Science + Business Media, New York, USA, 195-207.
[Abstract] [ Peuke A.D., Gessler A., and Tcherkez G. (2013) Experimental evidence for diel δ15N-patterns in different tissues, xylem and phloem saps of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.). Plant, Cell and Environment
36, 2219-2228.
[Abstract] [ Peuke A.D., Gessler A., Trumbore S., Windt C., Homan N., Gerkema E., and van As H. (2015) Phloem flow and sugar transport in Ricinus communis L. is inhibited under anoxic conditions of shoot or roots. Plant, Cell and Environment 38, 433–447.
[Abstract] [ Yin C.-Y., Pang X.-Y., Peuke A.D., Wang X., Chen K. and Gong R.G. (2016) Growth and photosynthetic responses in seedlings of Jatropha curcas L. provenances to watering regimes. Photosynthetica 54,
[Abstract] [ Peuke A.D. (2016) ABA-flow modelling in Ricinus communis exposed to salt stress and variable nutrition. Journal of Experimental Botany 67,
DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erw291.
[Abstract] [ Peuke A.D., and Merchant A. (2019) Diagnostic tools for nutrition status in Eucalyptus globulus: changes in leaves, xylem and phloem sap compounds according to N, P, K-withdrawal or salt application.
Trees 33, 443-456.
DOI: 10.1007/s00468-018-1790-0.
[Abstract] [ Hu Y., Peuke A.D., Zhao X., Yan J., and Li C. (2019) Effects of simulated atmospheric nitrogen deposition on foliar chemistry and physiology of hybrid poplar seedlings. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 143, 94-108. DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.08.023.
[Abstract] [ Cui J., Peuke A.D., Limami A.M., and Tcherkez G. (2021) Why is phloem sap nitrate kept low? Plant, Cell and Environment 44, 2838–2843. DOI: 10.1111/pce.14116.
[Abstract] [ |
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